

Standards and compatibility

All the pages on this website fulfill XHTML 1.0 of the W3C or HTML 4.01 recommendations, as the case may be. Semantic and structured markup criteria have been used at all times to separate the structure when displaying content.

Content display on the web pages has been developed in fulfillment of the CSS 2 recommendations of the W3C.

These standards ensure that any device following W3C standards and recommendations can access this website’s information.


Adjusting text size

To make it easier for people with poor eyesight to read content online, iDISC’s website has been set up so that users may change the size of the font to whatever they are most comfortable with.

The way to do this varies from browser to browser:

Mozilla Firefox

Increasing text size:

  • Using the menu: Language and Appearance > Font size > Zoom in
  • Using your keyboard: [ctrl]

Decreasing text size:

  • Using the menu: Language and Appearance > Font size  > Zoom out
  • Using your keyboard: [ctrl] -

Return to normal size:

  • Using the menu: Language and Appearance > Font size > Reset
  • Using your keyboard: [ctrl] 0

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Using the menu:

  • View > Text size > The largest
  • View > Text size > Larger
  • View > Text size > Medium
  • View > Text size > Smaller
  • View > Text size > The smallest

Using your keyboard and mouse:

Increasing text size:

  • [ctrl] ‹scroll the mouse wheel down›

Decreasing text size:

  • [ctrl] ‹scroll the mouse wheel up›

Should you have any issues accessing content, or would like to send us any suggestion, you can do so emailing us at:


Shortcut Keys

One active accessibility option are shortcut keys or access keys. The most commonly used access keys have been used as a reference:

  • 0 key: Page about accessibility
  • 1 key: Home page
  • 3 key: Site map page
  • 9 key: Contact

Using access keys varies between browsers and user agents. The most common browsers use the following key combinations:

  • Internet Explorer: ALT number ENTER
  • Firefox: SHIFT ALT number
  • Netscape: ALT number
  • Mozilla: ALT number
  • Opera: SHIFT ESC number

Translation Agency
iso-9001 iso-17100 iso-18587 iso-27001

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