ISO/IEC-27001 Information Security Management Systems

ISO 27001 establishes the requirements to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, through a risk management process that guarantees the safe processing of data, both in the provision of language services and software development.

With this accreditation, iDISC affirms its commitment to meet the expectations of its customers and providers, not only in terms of quality, but also with regard to reliability and peace of mind.

With the 27001 certification, iDISC merges the structure of the ISO 9001 certification for Quality Management Systems and integrates all the information security requirements and controls into the design of processes and the organization’s procedures.

This international standard lays down the mechanisms to guarantee not only the availability of the service, but also the appropriate response to incidents, flexibility of systems and management of vulnerabilities, as well as the technical compliance of the whole structure. All these aspects, among others, undoubtedly help to strengthen the confidence of all stakeholders.

Translation Agency
iso-9001 iso-17100 iso-18587 iso-27001

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