International marketing

Latest trends in lead generation in 2024

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lead generation

The concept of lead generation has undergone a shift in recent years. Why do we now have to change how we use it?

New technologies have indeed turned business upside down, opening up countless possibilities in the digital marketplace. 

Of course, this new array of business possibilities has driven competition between markets in different countries, especially in Business to Business (B2B) markets.

Bringing international competitors into the equation means that any company from anywhere in the world can reach your potential customers and take market share from you.

But, why don’t we look at it positively?

Successfully impacting all markets

If we look at this situation again, we will realize that your company can also go anywhere, which means you can reach new potential customers no matter where they are since you can approach them digitally. This is what transformed international lead generation in the 21st century.

In such a competitive environment as B2B, generating qualified leads has always been fundamental to the success of any business. Today’s game changer is the fact that lead generation strategies are implemented across multiple levels, and leveraging the latest tools and methodologies is what determines how effective we are at reaching our target audience.

This article covers the latest trends in lead generation that have already been implemented by large companies.

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of investigating and identifying the contact information of potential individuals or companies interested in a specific product or service.

Collecting, qualifying, verifying and enriching your leads is key in order for all our efforts to lead to what we want: a purchase. All these steps take shape when designing communications and lead nurturing.

The nurturing process is about creating, adapting and customizing strategies for attractive marketing and advertising focused on our leads, helping move them down the purchase funnel. This is a challenge that, when it comes to B2B markets, often requires us to be a bit more inventive.

Nowadays, these lead generation strategies are based on digital platforms, since they are more effective, quicker and make it easier to reach significantly more people or companies.

4 trends in lead generation in 2024

As in all industries, lead generation changes as trends change. This year we have spotted four that are being featured in the most successful campaigns:

Content Marketing

Content marketing is considered the foundation of any lead generation strategy. There is no way to attract buyer personas without valuable content. 

This trend focuses on providing quality content, in line with the interests of  your target audience and across different formats, to capture their attention and get them to trust your brand.

This type of marketing is implemented, for example, by blogging specifically designed to connect with your buyer persona profile, a semi-fictional profile of your ideal customer. Defining your buyer personas will allow you to identify their interests and online behavior in order to develop a content strategy that is truly tailored to them and effective in capturing their attention. Another content marketing method is to implement call to actions across your website or blog offering the option to download eBooks or guides that our potential customer may find interesting.

This will generate marketing leads, i.e., marketing contacts that fit the profile of your buyer persona and that can be qualified to become sales leads. 

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Account-Based Marketing

Also known as ABM, Account-Based Marketing is mainly focused on B2B, and is when we align the strategies of marketing and sales teams to concentrate efforts and target high-value accounts. With ABM,  companies design communications specifically for a particular group of customers and combine content marketing with sales actions. 

While your content is generating interest in your product, your sales actions are generating a need for your buyers.

This method is one of the most direct and is usually the favorite of many companies, since you can reach target decision-makers and move on to a closer form of sales.

Video Marketing

It’s true: your competitors are already using video marketing to deliver their content.

There is no disputing how powerful video has grown over recent years. Video is the favorite format of the younger generation, making it the most effective channel to reach them. Video allows you to establish a faster and more direct emotional connection, which is why it is perfect for persuading more users.

We recommend that you start including videos in your content marketing and join this lead generation trend.

Glocal Marketing

It is one of the most cutting-edge marketing strategies, as outlined in our article “Glocalization: dominate different markets through translation”. A glocal marketing strategy –global as well as local– allows your brand to achieve a global presence without neglecting the cultural characteristics and local features of the countries you would like to control. This trend is often one of the most effective in terms of lead generation.

However, glocalization is rather complex and needs to be taken seriously since it adds a key element to communication: language.

Although these digital lead generation strategies can help you attract qualified leads from anywhere in the world, they will not be effective if you do not carry them out in your audience’s language.

How can we solve this problem?

Translating your website or blog can be very useful and is an easy and cost-effective way to implement a multilingual content strategy, as long as it is carried out by expert professionals.

If we want, any digital marketing strategy can be quickly transferred to another country. Language and socio-cultural factors tend to get in the way of generating new leads from other countries. 

It is important to point out that the SEO strategy your website or blog uses for your home market may not have the same impact on the target market you would like to break into. 

In short, translation is your best ally for your international marketing strategy and very effective for reaching more customers.

We hope you found this article useful. Don’t forget to check out our blog for more interesting content or get in touch for further information. We’d be happy to help you!

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