Our work with universities 


We have been helping to better prepare future professionals from a variety of fields since 1997.

Today this cooperation extends to eight universities across the Iberian Peninsula, along with various institutions in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and the U.S. 

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header university collaboration

Complete your work placement with us

If you are interested in a work placement with us, get in touch with your university’s head of work placements or the coordinator of your master’s degree or postgraduate program in specialized translation.

Training and experiences

 By being in touch with students from top universities and helping to train them, we are able to meet future industry professionals.

Work placement agreements

Work with universities is governed by various agreements. So, ask the head of your master’s degree or postgraduate program if there is an agreement in place, or we can draw up a tailored agreement!

Why choose iDISC?


Here at iDISC, we translate using professionals and certified processes, 100% tailored to the size of your project

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Technical translations by native translators

Our team of native technical translators has a wealth of experience in your business industry

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Texts are double-checked

Our certified process ensures a second professional proofreads the translation, bearing in mind your terminology preferences


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Flexible and quick turnaround

We structure our team to meet the deadline of your translation project 

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Time and experience

Here at iDISC, we have over 20 years of experience. We understand and satisfy all your translation needs

With our team of expert translators we help companies ensure the quality of their brand’s message in any country and any language

Translation team project

Assembling a team of 20 people for a three-week project and regrouping three years later.

In 2012, a software company with extensive international reach requested a 20-person team for three weeks to translate a large-scale software release into multiple languages, with just a week’s notice. After the three weeks, they requested the team be downsized to a security patch and bug fix service package of 15 hours a month. Three years later, the company requested the team be reassembled for the release of a new version of the software. The client wanted the same team, posing the challenge of bringing these people back on board. At iDISC we managed to do exactly that.

Synchronizing machine translation project

Synchronizing the machine translation of an online catalog in three languages in less than 24 hours

A world-renowned US-based online vendor of electronics needed to have their website simultaneously updated in three languages: English, Spanish, and French. We developed software to detect any changes made in the English version. Using this software, an automated alert was established for the Spanish and French translators and, in under 24 hours, all necessary content was translated and synchronized across all three languages.

Translation Agency
iso-9001 iso-17100 iso-18587 iso-27001

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