ISO-9001 Quality Management Systems

Adopting a quality system is part of iDISC’s decision-making strategy, which has aimed for ongoing performance improvement and sustainable innovation since 1987.

The ISO 9001 standard that is the basis of iDISC’s quality system helps reinforce their ability to provide services that comply with client demands, in addition to creating opportunities that increase satisfaction.

iDISC, in compliance with this standard, applies the PDCA cycle of continual improvement and focuses heavily on risk evaluation, in addition to the constant monitoring of key process indicators. All of this, meanwhile, is happening in a technological context and market that is always becoming more complicated and dynamic, presenting never-ending motivation and challenges for the entire business.



The Policy of iDISC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. is geared towards:

Helping to improve the communication and information management of companies by providing and marketing technology products and services, and language services.

At iDISC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, S.L., the Management Department is the highest authority in terms of the Quality and Security of Information and is the driving force behind guaranteeing both, encouraging and promoting the involvement of all the company’s staff in activities related to preventive detection and taking actions to continuously improve both.

Aware of the importance of client satisfaction and the need to provide high-quality services while keeping Information under strict Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity, and Traceability parameters, the Management Department has decided to implement an Integrated Management System (IMS), based on the standard ISO 27001:2013 on Information Security Management, ENS – Esquema nacional de seguridad (Spanish National Security Framework), ISO 9001:2015 on Quality Management and ISO 17100:2015 on Translation Services.

To do so, we accept and commit to the following:

  • To execute every project effectively, seeking maximum suitability of functions and purposes of the product or service, and meeting delivery times.
  • To comply with current legislation and guarantee the technical and regulatory requirements applicable to all sectors of our business activity.
  • To act responsibly toward society and in an environmentally friendly way.

At iDISC we believe that the above can only be achieved by:

  • Ensuring the full satisfaction of our clients, through ongoing improvement with the involvement of all company staff, ensuring that the Information we hold is under strict security controls.
  • Hiring suitably trained professionals capable of executing the processes with complete assurance.
  • Using the most appropriate technology and constantly updating it to carry out business processes quickly and reliably.
  • The assessment, analysis, and ongoing improvement of the company’s processes in order to guarantee the quality of our service and to prevent any failures in meeting the contracted standards, ensuring profitability and competitiveness, and avoiding and minimizing risk.

Therefore, the framework for setting the Goals that will guide the ongoing improvement of the Integrated Management System (IMS) is established.

This policy should be understood and agreed to by all staff, with the Management Department being the first to endorse the aforementioned guidelines.


Olesa de Montserrat, 1 June 2020

The Management Department

Translation Agency
iso-9001 iso-17100 iso-18587 iso-27001

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