Colors have a big impact on people. They say that dogs only see in black and white, and it is clear that the beginnings of photography brought us true masterpieces in black and white (especially for postmodern art lovers). However, we humans need the energy and joy of colors to light up everything around us.
Colors help us to express concepts or emotions, therefore, a company’s corporate colors are directly related to its brand value and how it is appreciated. Discover the importance of colors for your project, from iDISC.
The importance of color for brand identity
Red is often associated with love, passion, success, and lust. Blue is the color of water, the oceans, and the sky. And it often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom. Yellow is the color often associated with sunshine, creativity, sociability, and joy. Pink might remind us of softness, femininity, sweetness, and love. Green is the color of hope in some cultures, or envy in others, but most often used to represent nature, healing, or fertility, since it is such a dominant color in nature. Black is the color of death, grief or evil, but it is so elegant in a night dress or tuxedo… And white, the color of perfection, faith, innocence, softness, and cleanliness, might otherwise be a headache to clean if you spill coffee on your immaculate business shirt.
Indeed, colors require a strong localization component that is not often taken into account. Since color is a highly important factor in the visual look of products, as well as in brand recognition, color psychology has become a crucial milestone to marketing specialists.
The general model of color psychology relies on some basic principles:
1. Colors carry specific meanings that only SMEs and expert localizers can wisely assess.
2. The effect of color on the subconscious is either based on learned meaning or innate meaning, so a trained native expert will be required to produce the same effect in the target language.
3. The perception of a color triggers an automatic evaluation by the viewer, who will recall preconceived ideas and behaviors that will be hard to overlook.
4. The meaning of color and consequent effects have a certain relation to context.

The meaning of colors at iDISC
That said, if you ever wondered why teams at iDISC have such strange names, BMT, RMT, KMT, OMT, YMT, PMT, I can tell you that their initials are based on colors.
- BMT is the team that takes care of major localization projects, big ones, so they are Blue, the color of serenity and wisdom. That’s what the B stands for: Blue, the color of serenity and wisdom.
- RMT is Red, they oversee projects that are passionate, strong in branding, with quick turnarounds and hectic. Sometimes a bit crazy too.
- OMT is Orange, the color of round and invigorating projects.
- YMT represents the Yellow team, which seems to be in a state of permanent joy.
- KMT is for Khaki, the color of bold adventurers.
- And last PMT, what does P stand for? And what does P stand for? Purple? Nobody knows… but I am convinced it is Pink.
As you can see, when it comes to color, we take it very seriously. We know how important it is to choose the right options for your projects’ needs.
If you have a project, iDISC, a translation agency, has a color for it.